Sunday, December 14, 2008

Taft in a Basket




Saturday, December 13, 2008

You get what you Pay For

I can't help but post this...I thought/think it is so hilarious. I have been on the computer for about half an hour because Eric has been snuggling Taft to sleep...Or so I thought. I heard something in his room so I went it and this is what I found.

Yes, that would be Eric...Passed out. Didn't even stir when the flash went off.:)

Closer...yes, he is still sleeping and Taft is playing. Classic. He is seriously worn out from a couple of weeks of busy days and nights. Here is to 2 weeks off of work and some good quality family time.


1. Where is your cell phone? I can't see it right now, but I am sure it is either in my purse, Taft's Diaper bag or on the counter.
2. Where is your significant other? He just walked in the room.
3. Your hair color? Natural for the most part....Brown with a few red low lights.
4. Your Mother? On call for 24 hours. Getting ready to play host to the family! Yea!!!!
5. Your Father? Refereeing tournament games all day! But soon to take soem serious time off to spend with the family!
6. Your favorite thing? Right now (and probably forever) Taft's laugh.
7. Your dream last night? About missionary work...the missionaries came over for dinner last night and they showed us some new tactics for missionary work...well I mastered them in my dream last night.
8. Your dream/goal? Long term...endure well! Short term? Survive!
9. The room your in? Computer/office room
10. Your hobby? anything that is relaxing...
11. Your fear? Head on collision
12. Where do you want to be in six year? Still being able to pay my house note, and having 1 or two more kids.
13. Where were you last night? At my mom's house while my gracious husband was installing her new microwave and refrigerator.
14. What your not? Free spirited.
15. One of your wish list items? A new pair of running I can join the rest of the family in finally losing the baby weight.
16. Where you grew up? Vidor, Tx
17. The last thing you did? Help Eric change a stinky diaper (i guess washing my hands technically).
18. What are you wearing? My Jammies and slippers.
19. You TV? Not big enough according to the bro in law and father in law and not on!
20. Your pet? Domestic...Not in this lifetime! Wild...deer, coyote, racoons, etc.
21. Your computer? Not enough memory but soon to be remedied.
22. Your mood? Somewhat anxious...want to do somethings that I think won't get done!
23. Missing someone? My grandpa Simpson.
24. Your car? Civic with plenty of wear and tear!
25. Something your not wearing? Well since you asked...a bra! (wink wink)
26. Favorite store? For most things....Target!
27. Your summer? New experience with a baby!
28. Love someone? Of course...Eric, Taft and many others.
29. Favorite color? Anything vibrant
30. Last time you laughed? At Eric getting ready to change Taft's diaper...chemical mask and all!
31. Last time you cried? Probably Thursday night watching the Hallmark movie "moonlight and mistletoe"

Tagg you are it..if you have time....KIM, MELISSA, KRISTINA, & MOM!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Taft 1st experience with Snow

This morning we woke up to precipitation that we are not used to seeing as southerners. The white stuff starting falling last night and stuck long enough for us to snap a few pictures. So, here is to a white Dec. 11th and an 80 degree Christmas Day! (we'll take it when we can get it, especially if Daddy can snuggle with us later into the morning!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Some Pictures of the Boy

Taft is ready for this photo shoot to be over!

Taft is always pretty happy.

Taft is sitting up quite nicely these days!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Two posts in one day....

I know what you are thinking...slow down Teresa...not too much at a time. But, I can't resist. Tonight Taft and I attended Eric's basketball games. He is coaching the 8th grade basketball team, so tonight we attended their 1st game of the season. I enjoyed myself and Taft enjoyed it, too, but it is inevitable...someone is going to complain the whole game and ruin it. So, here is how it played out...

The game was rough. The kids didn't play as well as they needed to in order to win. They threw the ball away, didn't rebound never followed their shot, and fouled a fair amount. Anyway, as I was sitting in the stands I was priviledged to some conversation that might not have been meant for me to hear. But, I couldn't resist listening after the 1st comment was made by a lady regarding the coach. She simply stated that all they did in practice was shoot 3 pointers so that is why they weren't doing well in the other areas(Paraphrased). I simply thought to myself...don't take it personal...she doesn't know you are the coaches wife. My natural insticts were to let her have it, but I kept quiet interested to see if she would say anything else about "the coach." Sure enough a few minutes later a man makes a comment that he didn't understand why the kids weren't looking behind them to see what was going on elsewhere on the court. So madam talks a lot pipes in and says, "It's because of that young man over there." Since I was sitting in front of her and didn't see her point to Eric, I told myself to calm down and let it go, because I didn't know for sure if she really was talking about Eric. BUt, now I am definitely interested in what she will say next, so I am now paying close attention to her conversation that she is not whispering. So, later on the same gentleman states again that he didn't know the Spanish teacher was the coach. He met him in the office today and he(Eric) introduced himself and informed the man that he was his daughter's spanish teacher and she was a good kid. It made me proud that Eric is always so positive with parents and that he genuinely cares that his students learn more than just spanish. Well, my pride bubble was quickly bursted when the other lady said. "Well this is what we get for having a spanish teacher for a coach...I wonder if he can even speak spanish." Well, this girl had had all she could take and this was it....So, I simply turn around and say, "Actually he can speak spanish. And what do you expect from him when the town has no little dribblers program and this is some of the kids first experience playing basketball?" I said it without attitude, but with sincere hurt in my voice. I am not sure if she picked up on the fact that she was ripping apart the coach right in front of his wife, but she didn't say anything else about him.

I am not sure if I handled this the best way, but let me just say that I did a lot better than I could have, because part of me was ready to give her "the look" and wave the finger as I told her to shut her mouth until she actually knew what she was talking about.

So, here is to my wonderful husband Eric who has a gift with kids and a way with optimism and kindness...I can't think of a better person to be a teacher/coach than a man who is full of kindness, love, patience and optimism. You are amazing and I love you!

Santa Baby

Taft made for a cute temporary decoration at Grandma & Grandpa Simpson's while they put up their Christmas tree. He is excited to be Santa's helper this year!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

So, I was just curious if any of my friends/family were brave enough to venture out on Black Friday? If so, what did you go for? And, what did you actually get? How early did you have to wake up and was it crowded? I didn't even leave my front lawn today. Sad, I know...I am sitting here typing in my pajama pants still. I spent the day cleaning and finishing up some final prepartations for a crazy busy upcoming week full of work, mothering, wifing, and other activities that all seem to be this week....Just pray for my family's sanity!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

They Say Crack Kills....

what do you think? Well, if nothing else, it looks like he has a future in plumbing, even if his name isn't Joe.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Calling all Home Remedies...

...or other suggestions to help get my kid breathing better. He is seriously congested. I hate to sound like I don't want to go to the doctor, but I don't. I am personally annoyed by people who take their kids to the doctor for every little runny nose. Sorry if you are one of them. I feel like it is getting worse. The last two nights he has blessed us with a 5:50 a.m. wake up and a 4:45 wake up, where he thinks it is time to play. He can't hardly keep his binky in his mouth, because when your nose is full of snot, then you breathe through your mouth. Well, if you plug up his understand! Anyways, I am bulb syringing his nose (which he hates) and green snot if coming out. I bought a humidifier, which by the way was way more money than I wanted to spend. I also bought some baby vicks rub. Any other suggestions, or should I just call the doctors office?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our Snuggly Man

Taft would fall asleep unless Eric was touching him or he was touching Eric. Taft is such a snuggler and we are enjoying every minute of it, because one of these days it may not be the case...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Solids & Sittin' Up

Taft is now sitting up pretty good (only falling over when he is on a really hard surface!) Just teasin' it only seems like he loses his balance when he is no longer on carpet. However, he is sitting up and getting really close to crawling. I am not sure if I forgot I sat him up or if he did it all by himself, but somehow he ended up in the sitting up position from his belly. I am pretty sure he did it by himself somehow, but I was watching TV and somehow missed him getting to that point. Oh well, anyways, he is also eating some purees now in addition to his cereal and seems to enjoy them. He has tried butternut squash, applesauce, & sweet potatoes. I think sweet potatoes might be his favorite so far. He has only had them a few times, but he seems to down those faster than the others without too much distraction. He is seriously one of the happiest babies and I feel super fortunate. The other day he went with me to get my hair cut/colored (grey already...rediculous!) and then we went and did some Christmas shopping. In between hair and shopping I went to lunch with some coworkers and Taft fell asleep sitting up in the high chair. It was so cute. I however didn't capture that on camera. Sorry...maybe next time. Well, here is to a wonderful holiday season and may you all find joy in something!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reading Inquiries

Do any of my fellow bloggers/friends have the book The DaVinci Code? Eric & I watched to movie on recorded TV the other night and I was intrigued. I was just wondering if anyone had the book so that I might dabble in reading it. Oh and if anyone has any other recommendations with a book that I might be interested in I would appreciate it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Easy & Good

So, I scoured through my recipe books in desperation for some good recipes that we could eat again some day. Most of you know that I am always up for a new recipe, especially if it is easy. So, in my efforts to plan and save I found this recipe for Monterey Chicken.

2TBS of vegetable oil
1 lb of chicken breast
1 medium green pepper
1 small onion
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1/2 C. Picante Sauce
8 flour tortillas
1/2 C. Monterey Jack Cheese

Heat up 1 TBS. of oil in a skillet. Cook the chicken until brown. Add the other TBS. of oil, pepper and onion and cook until tender crisp. Pour salsa and soup in the skillet and let warm all the way through. Spoon chicken mixture onto tortilla sprinkle with cheese, roll up and devour. You call also put some sour cream or other toppings on there such as salsa, taco sauce, or whatever. I added a little red taco sauce to mine and it was delicious. Eric added some green sauce called Mrs. Renfros and he enjoyed his as well. If you are looking for something easy and mmm good check out this recipe from my Campbell's cook book.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy half Birthday to Taft

Today is Taft's 1st half b-day. How are we celebrating? Well, with naps, binkies and lots of snuggle time together. I cannot believe that 6 months ago I was in labor and our little man was born. Eric & I both have no clue what life was like before Taft came and we can't imagine it without him. He is such a sweet baby! So, here are some of Taft's accomplishments in the first half of his first year.

Sleeping: 8-10 hours a night
Eating: Rice & Oatmeal cereal from a spoon and getting less messy every time!
Teething: Cut his lower centrals a month or so ago and is getting ready to cut the upper centrals
Mobility: Pushing up on all fours, rocking back and forth on all fours. Scooting backwards every now and then and getting ready to become T-mobile anytime now.
Talking: Loves to babble at the most inappropriate times and screams really loud if you get him giggling good.
Seeing: Taft LOVES to see himself in the mirror. He gets so excited he can hardly stand it. He will grab anything in site and can recognize his binky. As soon as he sees it or realizes it is within his mouth's reach he will open wide.
Grabbing: Loves to grab my hair and will hold toys for a little while. He mostly likes to shove them in his mouth and work on those teeth coming in.
Sitting: Taft can sit up for a few seconds if you put him on his bottom to sit up. Usually he will twist and do a face plant on the floor after about 10-15 seconds. He is good if he is supported though.
Temperament: Taft is very easy going and loves people. Easy going after his Daddy and loves people like his Mommy (or at least like she used to!). He is super smiley and you can make him laugh pretty easily. He doesn't get too serious unless he is eating or sleepy. He is known to have the occasional melt down though (got it honest from his mother). Mostly when he is tired (mommy) or hungry (daddy)! He is super flirty and you will fall in love almost instantly.
Looks: Taft very much his mommy in the face, but very much his daddy in body shape and size. He seems to be the mix Eric always dreamed of. He has huge blue eye courtesy of both both of us (size- mommy, color-daddy).
FAVORITES: Binkies, bottles, cereal, four wheeler rides, outside, stroller rides, snuggling, Daddy baths, and his family. However I am biased and think that I am his absolute favorite with Eric running a very close 2nd!:) That will change I am sure, but for now I am soaking it all in.
Happy 1st 6 months Taft! You are such a great kid!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our Special Friend & Mentor

Dr. Richard McCardell and Taft. Dr. McCardell was diagnosed with a Gleoblastoma (Spelling?) in January of this year. After surgery, radiation and chemotherapy he was stable as of July. The prognosis for someone with this type of brain tumor is not good. It is fatal, there is no cure and most people are given a 6-9 months. With treatment that can some times be prolonged. The inevitable is death, but many times it is due to the patient actually throwing a clot. Why am I telling you this? Well, because last night I found out that after his follow up MRI the other day the tumor is no longer holding steady. It is growing again. So, I am asking that all my friends/followers say a prayer for a very special and dear friend of mine. I am not sure that praying that he will be cured is the answer seeings how that doesn't seem to be reasonable. However, I am asking that you pray for his comfort, the comfort of his family, his friends and collegues. He is a wonderful and kind man that worked many years providing a great service to many in his community. I ask that you pray for his pain to be minimal if any and that he be able to have some quality time with his family even if it be small in quantity. Here's to you Doc...we love you and hope that you know how great a friend and mentor you have been to so so many people!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why is it...?

...That people will go months (3 or more) without flossing, and then get all grossed out when they have to swallow their own spit during a prophy? I mean seriously. Do they think that they crap that I dislodged from in between their teeth is now grosser because it is now potentially floating in the spit instead of stuck to their teeth and gums? I cannot for the life of my understand... Is it that now that I have scraped it off their teeth and now their gums are overflowing with a red fluid that it is somehow more disgusting? Well, if you know why people are so goofy then please explain it to me, because I am about out of my mind trying to figure out why people refuse to swallow even a hint of their own saliva while laying back in my chair. Happy flossing!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Ultimate Compliment!

I know, I know...two posts in one day...I should wait and share the wealth, but I couldn't help but brag. As most of you know, my husband Eric, is fabulous. He is complimentary in every way, but I can not seem to get his taste buds to agree. I am not sure if I am that bad of a cook or if he is just that picky, but I am sure it is that I am just an ordinary cook and he is a little picky. Anyway, the other day my sis Melissa gave me a website to go to for recipes ( She liked it because they have a lot of low fat recipes...I like it because it has a lot of crock pot recipes on it. I work two days a week and on those days it is nice to throw something in the pot and let it work while I am working, so I don't have to when I get home. Eric's philosophy is lets just eat out on Mon. & Tues nights so that I don't have to wait so long to eat. Well, in order to try and compromise I am attempting to get a bunch of recipes that can cook while I work. Long story short...I made some soup (Chicken Tortilla)the other day in the crock pot that Eric said, and I quote..."I am not sure if I am just really hungry or if this is that good, but I would order this in a restaurant." What!?!?! Did I hear right? You would pay to eat something I made for you? Satisfaction I could have only dreamed of after 5 wonderful years of food struggles!

Tagged for my 50th Post!

So, I got tagged several days, maybe even a week ago by my sis Melissa. So, here is to blogging about good and bad memories.

1. Did you date someone from you High School? Not technically. I liked several boys and they liked me back, but as far as a boyfriend I didn't do a lot of dating, just a lot of befriending/flirting!

2. What kind of car did you drive? Well, since I didn't get to drive until I was 18 due to my sis Melissa being home and already being on insurance I didn't drive too much without a sibling or a parent. However, I was one of the few (2) Simpson kids to get the privilege of a 3rd car being for use at the house. It wasn't mine, but it was mine to drive when I needed it. It was a Honda CRX (white) and a standard. When I had to push in the clutch to shift my shorts leg was completely straight because the seat was so far back. Every time I see one I miss it!

3. What was you most embarrassing moment in High School? Well, what I deemed most embarrassing then is probably different now, because what would have been humiliating then may not be so now. Let's see, I am going to have to go with the night that a bunch of people from church came to watch me play in my basketball game and it ended up being the first game I sat the bench the whole game. That was pretty embarrassing for me.

4. Were you a party animal? Always in spirit, but never for real! I never was into the whole party thing. Even less now, but I am always up for good conversation, games and other activities with people.

5. Where you considered a flirt? Well, I am not sure if they were for real or not, but I was on the ballot for Most Flirtatious my senior prom. So, I am sure to some I was!

6. Where you in band, orchestra or choir? None of the above. Quick band 6 weeks into it in Middle School to be in choir and then the high school choir teacher was goofy, so I didn't participate in that in high school.

7. Were you a nerd? I am sure that depends on who you ask...but if you are asking me then I am going to say NO. I was pretty much friends with everyone. I wasn't popular, but I was friends with both ends of the spectrum.

8. Were you on any varsity teams? No...but I lettered in Drill 'bout that! My one year of routines earned me a letter at the VHS!

9. Did you get expelled/suspended? Nope, but Mr. Stankovich wrote me up once for chewing gum in his class, but he didn't actually make me go to the office with it. I actually kind of got in his face with some crying and stuff and he told me to go wipe my eyes and come back to class.

10. Can you still sing the fight song? Well, yeah! But, I am not going to write it all out for you...BUt, if you come to the Vidor homecoming game this year then you can hear me sing it maybe....

11. Who were your favorite teachers? It is a close race because I seemed to like a lot of my to name a bunch...Coach Holland(Speech), Coach Mackey (US History), Coach Stankovich (Biology 1 & A&P), Ms. ? (sophomore English, just can't think of her name), & Ms. Beihle (art).

12. Where did you sit during lunch? Where ever I could find a good place to people watch.

13. School Mascot? Pirates

14. Did you go to Homecoming & with who? I went every year with my family!

15. IF you could go back and do it again would you? Definitely NOT! Loved it while I was in it, but glad to be over it!

16. What do you remember most about graduation? Being one of the 1st to get my diploma and then having to wait a long time for every one else to get theirs!

17. Where did you go senior skip day? Didn't have one I don't think, or else I wasn't invited!

18. have you gained weight since then? I would say hasn't everybody, but that doesn't hold true for some, so I will just simply say yes.

19. Who was your prom date? Well, when I was a sophomore I got asked by Damon Wright, my Jr. year I went with my friends Katie Davis (Downs now) and Moriah Keffer. My SR. year I went with Theresa Packard (Battisti now).

20. Are you planning on going to your 10 yr. reunion? I don't know...Most of the time I don't want to see people, and then some times I do.

21. Looking back what advice would you give yourself? Well, I would tell myself to not like a few people that I liked and I would tell myself good job, because I think I turned out OK as a teenager.

I tag no one unless you want to share and reminisce!

Saturday, October 4, 2008



Thanks to the many wonderful ideas about a costume for Taft. My mom and I went shopping tonight for some various things and we went into The Children's Place just to see and the first costume I saw was this turtle. I knew he had to be the turtle instantly, because when we asked Taft's cousin Gunnar what he thought of Taft when he was born he said, "He is cute as a baby turtle." Which in Gunnar's world was a huge compliment, so here's to the Turtles Gunnar!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Should I or shouldn't I?

Dress Taft up for Halloween? And if so, what should he be?

Excuses, Excuses

Why I haven't blogged lately....
1. Haven't taken any recent batteries are dead~
2. No one wants to hear me blab, they just want to see pics....see excuse #1
3. I haven't had too many seconds to do anything other than work, and try to keep up with laundry...
4. I am just plain lazy!
Pictures and updates coming soon!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Taft had another Milestone

Taft seems to be crossing milestone in pairs lately. Within the last month he has rolled over for the 1st time and since then he has been rolling like crazy...BUT the coolest milestone to me is that he has officially cut his first tooth. He is soon to cut the next tooth right beside it. For those who don't know tooth numbers he cut his lower right central, and for those who do it is tooth #P. # O is soon to follow suit I believe. He has been so good, but I definitely think that it explains his little bouts of crankiness lately. I can't believe how fun his is getting. Can't wait until Christmas when we will get to get most of the babies together if not all.

Deja Vu

No it is not just the name of some bottled water. It is what we are living with now that Ike has come aboard the Texas coast. We are all too familiar with hurricanes unfortunately, but you can never really prepare for the idea of being out of power for about a month. Eric stayed behind this time and he rode out the storm in our house all by himself. The dreams I had last night while my husband experienced a CAT 3 storm by himself were wild. He is ok, our home is okay and so we once again feel very fortunate to have been blessed once again with only the headache of evacuating and being out of our home for a while. I am told that the power companies think it will be a month before there is power restored, but I am thinking that they say some of that so that when it only takes them 2-3 weeks you are super excited with them. I don't know if that is true or not, but that is the assumption that I am going with and hoping for. Our home and property did well, and we hope the same for our friends and neighbors. Well, I won't bore anyone with my frustration, gratitude or other thoughts on hurricanes, but I am ready for the fall and for this season to end.

Monday, September 1, 2008

wake me up when september ends....

I am sure that if you live on the Gulf Coast you all feel the same way I do. The song with this phrase in it doesn't have the same meaning, but that was exactly the broken record in my head as I spent a lot longer in line at the bank trying to pay my house note. It was also what came to mind when I was in Wal Mart exchanging some diapers that Taft had outgrown and there were more than a boat load of people buzzing around with excitement from the upcoming storm and the holiday. The great news looks like we are in the clear from Gustav, but apparently we are watching the Atlantic for couple of more potentials. I am aware that I chose to live in an area that is very vulnerable for the risk of hurricanes, but please just wake me up when September least the peak will be over and we can all rest a little easier and begin to fill up our freezers again! Happy returning to all our friends who evacuated...for me and Taft we are camping out in Dallas until our nephew/cousin is born on Wed. Be safe Daddy (Eric). We already miss you.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stories now....Pictures Later

So, yesterday was Taft's 4 month check up with Dr. Worley. He is apparently not having any problems in the growth area as he weighs in at 16 lbs. & 10 oz. He is also now 26.5 inches long. He is getting to be lots of fun. On the 23rd of August he rolled over for the first time at Grandma & Grandpa Simpson's house while I was running to town to return a movie rental and Daddy was laid up in bed after his surgery. He is now rolling over pretty regularly and steady. I have created a little play area for him in the living room with some toys and he sure enjoys it, but you eventually get to hear the frustration of a baby trying to discover his new world. No one could have made me grasp the idea & excitement of watching your own child learn and discover life. Taft is grabbing at things including my hair and necklaces (I don't wear these very often). He has a rattle that he loves and it is just perfect for his hands to grab and it is not obnoxious when it rattles. He is starting to get more vocal and loves to stand up in your lap if you are holding him. He is also learning to fight sleep. For some strange reason just in the last few days he has had a hard time getting settled in for his afternoon siesta. I think he may have just gotten over stimulated. Yesterday Taft & I also got to see a very special friend of ours that I haven't seen since January. Dr. McCardell (one of my bosses) was diagnosed with a malignant, aggressive brain tumor early January and I haven't seen him since. He is a wonderful man, a great dentist and I have missed seeing him at the office. His daughter in law Tina brought him to Casa Ole in Beaumont yesterday so Taft & I met them and a whole host of people for lunch. He looks great and I will post a pic of him with some others later. Doc got to hold him and snuggle him for a while and I think it was neat to see him in that realm. Doc is a very generous and kind man and I am so thankful that we got to visit him for a few minutes yesterday. And lastly....some of the best news ever! Taft spent his first night in his own crib...he went to sleep at 8:30, woke up for a tide me over feeding at 10:40 and went right back to sleep until 7:30! YEAAA!!! I couldn't believe it. I probably woke up to check on him about 3 or 4 times, but he was very content in his own space! So here is to a more restful sleep without my kid kicking me in the throat, the chest and the gut!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I am not sure...

if I should be thankful that I haven't had a second to really sit down and blog. Two Thursdays ago I accompanied Eric to the ENT's office to check out a deviated septum and see what would need to be done to correct it. Because our insurance deductible is renewing Sept. 1st & we are so close after having Taft and his NICU stay we felt like if they could squeeze us in that this would be the best time to have the surgery from a finacial point. Well, Dr. Jordan accomodated us quite nicely and Eric got not only his septum corrected but his tonsils out as well. Apparently they were chronically infected...NOT GOOD. So, for the last week I have been a nurse, a mom, a hygienist, and today I am a crazy. Or at least I felt like that while Taft was being cranky and unwilling to fall asleep. However, I almost positive that after some personal and good conversations with some of my patients today that I am okay with Taft being cranky as long as he is here with me and Eric needing some extra attention as well as long as he is here with me, too. I cannot think of anything else that is more worthy of my attention than the two best men in my life. Here's to a little faster recovery and Taft getting off the monitor!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Are you ready for some Football?

If you are bored and need some good entertainment...come to our house and watch some quality comedy as the youth and sometimes the leaders head up a game of mud football. It is super fun to watch and it is free. The kids are coming frequently which is fine by us. We are glad to have them and feel fortunate that our house is deemed "cool enough" for now that the youth hang out here even if we aren't home. So get your tickets while they last and while they are free! Hope the youth play for a long long time!

The Fan

The Game in Action

The Team

We Don't call him BINKY MAN for nothing...

Taft can do things with his binky that I wouldn't have thought possible. The other night Eric & I were talking & I decided to check on "boy" as we sometimes call him. This is what I found....mind you the binky started out in his mouth when we laid him down....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

You are getting sleepy!

Sundays are notorious for some of the best nap taking ever. As I am typing I am wishing that it was 3:30 and not 5:30 so I could take one myself, but no such luck. I am not sure if you will get the same effect as I did, but I couldn't help but laugh & get the camera as I watched Taft in his swing a few minutes ago. I came out of the bedroom to see Taft staring blankly as he was trying to ward off the much needed sleep. He gave me a sly grin and kept staring. Of course by the time I got my camera he was in such a trance that I couldn't get him to smile at me again, but rest assured it was very cute. I figured at the very least people wouldn't mind seeing one more picture of Taft!

What do you think?

Well, Eric and I have been wanting to do some things to our house, little projects as you will, to make it more esthetically pleasing from the road. Since we are limited in our funds due to the nature of "the beast", we have tried to come up with some inexpensive ways to do this. Our first desire has been to pu tdown some sod, but at 90 dollars a pallet and the need for atleast 3-4 pallets we decided to hold off for a bit. So, we found some great hanging planters for half price, some great plants to go in them, some great front porch sittin' chairs and went to work getting them put together and in the respective places. We love them and are once again enjoying our favorite "room" in the house.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Taft & His Bumbo

Taft got a bumbo seat today after we tried out his cousin to be Grant's. We are hoping that he enjoys using it and that it helps to strengthen the muscles he needs to sit up on his own in the next few months or so.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The long awaited and much needed Update

So, it has been a really long time since I updated I know. Thanks for the encouragement (Kim) to do so. I have been meaning to update, but needed some time and well frankly we haven't had much of our own the last few weeks. We have had Taft's Baby blessing, Youth Conference, and a mini vacation to Port Aransas (Corpus Christi area) where Taft had his first visit to the beach! So, here are a few slide shows to update our happenings. Taft's baby blessing was July 20th at our home. Youth Conference was July 24-26 in Williamson and we actually housed 7 boys and one of Eric's counselors in the YM pres. (bro. Pogue you were awesome!). The kids were great and the conference was a huge success and the best part is that we made it through without Eric getting sick. Taft enjoyed himself too. He went everywhere we did even to Lake Tejas. Our trip to Corpus Christi was good fun. We visited Eric's cousin Nicole who lives in Ingleside. Her sister Natalie who lives in Georgetown came down, and we also carpooled with Eric's brother Chris, his wife Kirsten and their son Gunnar. So, we had a good group and we did some good eating and saw some really cool things at the TX State Aquarium. So, here are the pics...I hope you enjoy! Well, actually before I can post the pics I have to find them. We can't locate them on my mom's external hard drive....SORRY....I will try to download them to my computer from my CD. Thanks for the patience,

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No Pictures of this Story

Well, for the last few days Eric & I have been anxiously waiting for Taft to make us a dirty diaper along with his wet one. I must say that even though I was at work two days without having to change a poopy diaper was nice, but also very sorrisome (spelling?). Anyways, minutes after setting Taft in his bouncer post feeding we came back to find Taft had not only made a dirty diaper...he had made a dirty onsie and bouncer too. The funny thing was...we were just glad that he had messed all over himself and everything if it just meant that he had gone to the bathroom and nothing was wrong. Needless to say, he was all smiles after that BM. So, we quickly took him to the porch and gave him a dip in his bath out there and brought him in for a little quick bath inside. After a bath, some fresh clothes, spitting up, and a little whining I held him 'til he passed out and the rest is sweet peace!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Is Anyone Interested?

I was wondering if anyone was interested in a girl's night or day of making a few cards? Laurine (one of my mothers in law):) is a stampin up demonstrator. She said that she would put together a little party at my house if anyone was interested. She has been doing this a while and has some great ideas for cards. I am not sure how many of you, if any like cards, but there sure are cute. Anyways, the little stamp camp as we like to call it usually runs $10 and you get to go home with 4 cards, some great food and some time away from home. Just let me know one way or the other for all you bloggers out there and then I could look at some dates that might work for everyone! Don't feel any pressure to do it unless it works well for you. Hope to hear from you guys soon!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America

I love birthdays, and this particular birthday is a great cause for reflection. I am realizing every day more and more that the things we are grateful for are even more special as I am now a parent. I am especially grateful to have the freedom of religion here in the US now that Taft is here and will need direction from loving family and friends. I am and have always been glad that my parents raised me in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and that wouldn't have been possible if the brave men and women across the world hadn't and weren't fighting for our freedoms that I know I take for granted way too often. The saddest thing is...I am not sure which b-day this is for our great nation, but if any history buffs know I would love to. Well, here is to many more birthdays America and may we all pause to reflect this day and give a prayer of thanks for the MANY who have served on our behalf!

Monday, June 30, 2008

I can't believe...

Okay, so I worked today, and considering the fact that I had to leave my two favorite guys in the world I can't believe that I survived it. But, worse than that, I CAN'T BELIEVE the audacity of some people. So, I left work 10 minutes early because my last patient of the day cancelled last minute and it was pay day. I quickly went to the bank where I always seem to pick the longest line even though it is the shortest at the drive through. After finishing at the bank I head for home...I-10 here I come. Well, all is well until about the Neches River bridge where all of a sudden traffic comes to a halt. So, of course I come to a halt along with the truch behind that is riding me way to close. Traffic appears to pick up only to slow down immediately and you got it...BUMP! The guy behind me bumps me with his truck. CRAP! I don't want to pull over on the shoulder of a bridge that has some crazy traffic so I proceed ahead slowly until I can exit off of the interstate at Old Hwy 90 exit. I put on my blinker and look in the rear view to make sure the guy who just bumped me is getting off too. He is so I am like ok great I will pull of on the shoulder. The shoulder, by the way is really crappy, and I seem to have found the best place for off roading in southeast TX which would have been great except for I am in a honda civic. Not so great! Well, even worse, the guy in the truck doesn't stop. I couldn't believe it. So, I am like what the way, so of course I pull back onto the access road to follow his sorry can, thinking he just didn't want to pull over there. So, I put the pedal to the metal and start following him. Well, long story short I start noticing a funny noise and I think that it is the road. I notice that as I accelerate it gets worse and as I slow down it gets better until finally it doesn't get better at all. So somewhere between all of this "I can't believe this is happening to me" going on in my head I call Eric and tell him that I think something is really wrong with my car. But, wait, I notice the truck that bumped me finally turning and it looks like he is turning into a convenient store. But, NO...he turned on the road next to the convenient store. By now my car is so bad I am unwilling to continue following this jerk for fear my car will get me stranded somewhere. So, I pull in and get out. Low and behold the jerk didn't pull over because my car didn't have any dents or scratches, thank goodness, but I now had a FLAT TIRE from my off-roading experience. I can't believe it...the jerk didn't even see if I was ok... Oh well, but it gets better. It is 95 degrees and I am obviously a young lady in need of a tire change. But, the man in his 50s with a nice shirt and tie on isn't going to lend a hand, because he is clearly not wanting to put his other friend who is also in a nice shirt & tie in a situation to do some good for someone. Several more men passed by without offering to help as I try to get all the stuff out of my trunk so Eric can change my tire when he gets there. BUT, I can't seem to get the car jack out...when I can't believe it...a friend from way back in JR. High is coming toward me asking if I needed help. Corey Green you are a saint...he actually had the tire changed before Eric could load up Taft and get out of the drive way. Corey actually turned back around to help even when he didn't know who it was. The moral of the story is...I can't believe that people can be so jerky and others be so kind...! Thanks to Corey!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The latest Report

So, it is official. Taft is the king of our island. We are reminded all too often, but it is a sweet thing. Eric often says..."Can you believe that something so small rules our world now?" Well, Eric I can. Eric has done a fabulous job the last two days watching our wondeful little man, and after one day of it by himself realized how hard it was/is to get things done with a baby. The epiphony of all epiphonies. Our daddy learns quickly. Taft saw Dr. Worley this morning and weighs 11 lbs 13 oz (50th %) and is 23.5 in long (60th %). He gained 3 1/2 lbs. and grew 2 inches since his last appt (about 4-5 weeks ago). Dr. Worley said that he is moving up the growth curve just perfectly! For those wondering when the monitor is going to come off...not anytime soon is my thinking. Dr. Worley wants to see 2 months worth of "good reports" from the monitor co. so I think Taft will forever wear this thing. Actually I am going to call the monitor co. and ask them some questions because everytime his monitor goes off he has never not been breathing or anything. So, I am stumped and have NO clue when we will become a wireless family again. Until then, I guess my lesson is patience. Taft also got his 2 month old immunizations today and he did so good. He stopped crying almost immediately after I picked him back up... Way to go baby... The lady was fast and it was over before we could say the word immunizations. I do have to say that no one could have prepared me for how sad and pathetic his cry was. It was the saddest and most pathetic we have heard yet, or I have anyways...Daddy chickened out of this appt. But, the boy is working on getting his immunizations and we are thankful for modern medicine! Until next time....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What A Day!

Never in a million years would I have thought that going back to work would be so physically exhausting. By the end of the day, my feet, back and legs were hurting and all I wanted to do was soak in some warm water. I am really fearful for tomorrow. So, why am I typing this at 10:00 at night when my child just feel asleep and I should be right behind him...? Well, because tomorrow it will be irrelevant, because it won't be my first day back. Anyway, I am not sure that I could have prepared myself for the subconcious roller coaster that I would go on today. I was excited to get back to see some of my patients, but sad to leave my child. I did however manage to get out the door and to my operatory with no tears. BUT...I almost spilled over leaving my house. Taft spent the day with his Daddy, grandma, aunt and cousin, so I knew that he would be surrounded by love, but it was tougher to leave him than I thought it would be. Eric said he changed the diaper of a lifetime and that it was really gross. I still think that the blow out that I cleaned up was worse, but since I didn't see it I guess we will never know. Well, tomorrow is sure to prove to be a, I better get some shut eye, or I am sure to fall over!

Monday, June 23, 2008

I have no Clue

I am not sure what happened to my slide show that I cannot post it onto my blog, but I will try to work on it later. If you click on view all images then it will take you to where you can actually see the pics. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me know if you can't get it there either!

The Hartman Family Campout" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=2738188573442630599&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=2738188573442630599&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">