Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Who knew?

Wow! I guess everyone but me....
I knew that I would not get as much sleep as I was used to, well, not even close to what I am "used" to, but to not sleep but in 15-45 minutes increments for two nights in a row...well Taft is going to kill me or send me into a serious sleep deprived hysteria. I think that he is not sure when night and day are because he spent so long in the NICU. Eric was very helpful in trying to get Taft as comfortable as possible. In the ICU they had his cribette at a slant and usually had him nestled inside a long skinny U-shaped bean bag to keep him from rolling over. So, Eric propped his bassinet (pack and play) up on two can of vegetables and used a towel to create the bean bag effect. I think it worked because last night Taft slept a lot better. He was still up a bit, but not like the night before. Yesterday was his 1st Dr.'s appt with Dr. Worley. Of course it was scheduled at the convenient time of 11 a.m. when he was supposed to nurse. So, after the appt and the wait for a bmp (basic metabolic panel) to check his sodium levels I was seriously wondering if I would make it anywhere to nurse or pump fast enough for everyone to not wonder why I had two wet spots on my shirt. I have learned that I need to wear the lightest colors possible and to schedule appts for times other than feeding time. Taft's appt went well and he is now 8 lbs. 5 oz and 21 1/2 in long. He has grown 1/2 and inch and gained 13 ounces. Well, I guess he has gained more than that because he lost down to 7lbs. 4 oz. Anyways, the point is...he is growing although I am not sure where he is packing his weight, because he is so skinny to me. He is nursing well and I am thankful for that. So, I am sure in due time he will fatten up. Dr. Worley said that Taft will probably be on his apnea monitor for at least a month and maybe two. I would have never believed that one person would need so much luggage. You should have seen me trying to get Taft into the Dr.'s office by myself. It was ridiculous...He was in his infant carrier, then comes the monitor, my purse and the folder with his information from the hospital. I didn't even bring in the diaper bag because I was too overcome with bags and such. Well, Taft is a joy and I feel so fortunate to have him home! Thanks again for all the prayers, love and support!


Kim Simpson said...

No matter what anyone tells you, you are never prepared for what kind of sleep or lack there of that you will get after you bring the baby home. So here is my bits of advice take em, leave em, or just call me. Are you doing babywise? If not call me and i will give you the 411. When we put our kids in the playpen/bassinet next to our bed when they are first home, I always put the bouncer in the playpen and have them sleep in that. My kids spit up so much i was always paranoid they would choke. Plus they always seemed to sleep better proped up and it was much easier to reach them at bed level to put the pacifier back in their mouth in the middle of the night. I am glad he is nursing well. My kids never caught on very quick and since I assumed it was supposed to be some sort of really natural thing for them to want to do it became extremely frustrating. Hang in there. It does get easier, then harder again, then easier....pretty much you are going to feel like a tennis ball for the next who knows how many years of your life.

Hall Family said...

advice above: so true! (The lack of sleep--you're never prepared for and it just seems to escalate when you're nursing) hang in there--eventually you get used to it (meaning you're numb) or the baby's nights get better. It is a good thing he is nursing well!

Anonymous said...

Hey Teresa! It's been forever! What a cute baby! Just know that everything just keeps getting better. Then you get pregnant and everything starts all over again. Haha. But it does get better!

Bowman and Nanette said...

Hi Teresa! So glad to find your blog and see that Taft is home! Yes, sleep deprivation...zzzzz, oh, I fell asleep...anyway, do what Kim said. Babywise worked for us! Claire is having a beautiful nap even as I type! I have the book if you need to borrow it. We just started a family blog recently bowmanandnanette.blogspot.com, but I don't expect in your sleepless state to visit anytime soon. Just sleep when you get the chance!