Friday, May 16, 2008

Can one become?

So, this post is going to be a question that I need an answer to. I do not want to be one of those paranoid mom's, but I also want to be informed and know what the possibilities are before I start dialing the pediatrician's office. So, I ask...what makes a baby scream its head off when it isn't hungry, wet or looking like they are sleepy? The obvious reason...GAS. So, I gave him some mylicon drops, but they were not quite the "miracle" or "live saver" I thought they would be. Any ideas to what I can do to calm my child when it is late, I am tired, I think he is tired and he is apparently in pain? Is he all of a sudden allergic to my milk? He doesn't seem to want to stop eating. Do babies know when a certain thing (like milk) is causing them discomfort and then respond appropriately as to not desire that particular thing? well, I hope you all have some answers, advice, etc for me, because I can't seem to figure out how to comfort Taft and he seems to be having this issue a little bit more each day.


Jill said...

Hey Teresa! Congrats on the beautiful boy! Bryn is 6 months now, and she was/is my only one that seems to have that same problem. I noticed she cried more and spit up more when I ate chocolate and veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, fresh spinach, lettuce- salad). I really tried to eat healthy, but poor Bryn paid for it! Anyway, hope it helps!

Megan said...

So this might be random and I might need to call you to explain further but... How long and how often are you nursing him? Do you nurse on both sides? Does he still act starved when you are done? He is not allergic to your milk, but like your friend said it might be what you are eating. Spicy foods, lots of protein, veggies, your medication, can all cause problems. He might be overly tired too, oh the stresses of motherhood. This too will die down a little. You might try Gripe water, you can get it at any good pharmacy. Keep up the good work you are an awesome mom.

Kim Simpson said...

Agree with everyone else, sometimes what you eat makes your milk different and some babies say "no way, not having any of that". He could be over stimulated, which then turns into overly tired and now i can't get to sleep. Does it happen around the same time each day? My kids always had a time of day where they were just not happy campers. Usually between the hours of 4 and 7 pm. Right when I needed to be making dinner and when I was hoping my day was coming to a close but seemed like it was just now going to be starting. Is he staying awake for a full feeding? If he falls asleep while nursing after a few minutes and then doesn't get to nurse for at least 20 min (10 on each side) then he is just snacking and will probably be hungry about 45 min. after nursing. Just some thoughts, call if you need to talk, unfortunately I am still pregnant, unable to move around and readily available to sit on the couch and chat!

Alisa said...

Hi Teresa! This is Alisa (Wagley) Vasquez. I have the cure...Gripe Water. It worked miracles with Tye and Kenadie. When I first gave it to Tye, 2 1/2 years ago, it was only made by Baby Bliss, and hard to find. Now, it is made by some of the more popular baby med companies. It is herbal, and has fennel and ginger in it. It was our miracle cure for Tye, and it worked for the most part for Kenadie, but she also had acid reflux. Good luck!

Alisa said...

I just saw that Megan suggested Gripe Water...definitely give it a try!

"Granny" Cameron said...

Hi Teresa!
Sorry to hear about your welcome to motherhood. I know I'm gonna show my age, BUT a good ride in the carseat on the dryer can work wonders when you're tired of rocking. You still have to stand there and hold the carseat at all times, but, it always worked if letting the vacuum cleaner run beside them didn't. Something about the constant hum?? Anyway, small bouts on the dryer, that's my suggestion. We also have a blog:
"Life with the Cameron's"

GOOD LUCK - it will get easier!!
love, AMY

Alisa said...

Teresa...I also wanted to let you know that I started a blog for moms, mostly LDS, that shares joys and concerns (like the one here) of motherhood. You may want to check it out sometime since you are a new mom!