Monday, May 5, 2008

Day of Disappointment

Today has been one disappointment after another....
We woke up to rain....not a real problem because it hasn't rained in weeks here, but it was to us because we were supposed to have a guy spread some dirt and grade out some of our property to make it mowable. However, we were still really pumped up about today because Taft was scheduled to come home. I called the hospital at 10 am to check and see if his labs were all good and it was a go. YEA!!! Got to the hospital at 12:30 and he couldn't come home, because his oxygen saturation dropped to the 80's. UGH!!! are you kidding me? I lost was I supposed to call my husband and tell him that his son was still not coming home? Well, I couldn' mom had to do it for me. Dr. Raval ordered another chest x-ray to check and see why it was still dropping...his lungs look so much better but there is still some atelectasis (collapsing of the lungs) on the right and left side. So, when he goes into a deep sleep and breathes shallow it doesn't allow for enough oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange causing his oxygen saturation to drop. So, they are upping the dosage of his diuretic and they did a barium swallow to check for reflux. Reflux apparently can cause some issues. We will have to see what it tells us, but at any rate his is not coming home without an apnea (breathing) monitor when he gets to come home. Sorry for not posting pictures...time got away from me....I will eventually get them on here!


Melissa said...

hang in there T. I wish I was there to hug you. He's sure a handsome guy. You both are so lucky.

Wendy said...

I just got on your site Friday and saw all the updates. First of all I want to say CONGRATUALTIONS!!! Second of all god is good ya'll are in the best hands but I know it does not make it any easier. I have been praying for ya'll and will continue. I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy I know he is precious. Keep updating when you can. LOL James and Wendy Gross

gwen said...

Sorry about your disappointing day. Hope you get him home soon. Every day he is in the hospital makes his homecoming day a little sweeter! Your in our prayers.
Brad and Gwen Pogue

Hall Family said...

ah that really is dissappointing!!