Friday, April 25, 2008

Strept Throat, an Induction, a Baby, and the aftermath!

What a week....! We have had a strange one, a blessed one, a busy one and an exhausting one. Sunday night Eric spiked a fever up to 105. After a blessing, and alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen every other 2 hours via an alarm clock we finally got it done to normal. I called his Dr. the next morning and got him in. The Verdict...Strept Throat! I called into work Mon. a.m. and so I didn't go to work due to exhaustion. I called my Dr. and asked if I could move my appt. up a day for him to check me. They consented and I went in. Dr. Long said I could either induce on Tues. or Wed. (due date was Thurs.) because he was going off call on Thursday night and neither one of us wanted to have someone else delivering Taft. So, off course being miserable with Heartburn and not knowing the actual cause of Eric's fever I naturally chose Tues. I mean who wants to be pregnant any longer than they need to be. So, I was to be at the hospital at 5:30 am on Tues. so my mom came with me and Eric came with his mom at about 8:00. My wonderful sister-in-law came to. Just wanted to have someone in the room who had actually been in labor within the last 5 years. However she almost missed it, because her crown came off while I was working on dilating. So, my mom and mother-in-law (both great) held me up while I pushed so that Eric could stay in the room without TOO much trauma. Dr. Long knew Eric had strept so he put me on an antibiotic while I was in labor (started Pitossin @ 7:00 Taft came out @ 6:44). We didn't get to hold Taft very long because he ended up needing to go to the NICU. HE aspirated some meconium and so he was having trouble breathing as well as running the risk of infection (pneumonia). He arrived weighing in @ 7 lbs. 8 oz. & 21 in. long. He full name is Taft Cannon Hartman and he is sure a special little guy to his mom and dad. Eric & I were talking and neither one of us feels as though we are parents yet, because we haven't had him at home. Matter of fact I haven't even been home since I went to the hospital. I came to my parents house for the days and thought I would go to my house for the night, but due to some serious bowel issues couldn't manage to be out from under my mother's wing. Today that issue is resolved (atleast I think it is) after some serious discomfort, several stool softeners, prunes, other fruit, apple juice, water and a glycerine suppository. I have never wanted to have relief so bad.....Enough of that though....we are glad to report that Taft is progressing daily and is off the 0xygen hood and to a nasal canula. While we were visiting today and holding him for the first time longer than 2 minutes he pulled his nasal canula off. His fingers found the plastic and he got to yanking with his really long fingers. His fingers are the length of 2 knuckles of my pinky and his big toes are the length of one of my knuckles on my pinky. Those are definitely Eric's. Well, I will try to get some good pictures of him tomorrow while we are visiting of all three of us and post them. Until then....I will keep updating with journal type entries....


Brandon and Cari (Sellers) Murdock said...

I am so glad you have a blog now! Congratulations!!! I saw pictures of Taft on Melissa's blog. He is so beautiful! I am so happy for y'all!

Kim Simpson said...

Whew! Just reading makes me tired, although it doesn't take much these days! Glad you are home and recovering a little before the big guy gets home. Then the real work begins. I think he has your eyes (nice and big) but the rest is Erk. I am sure all of that will change though. It always seems to.

gwen said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new baby boy! I'm sure he is adorable. I love his name. Enjoy every minute! The Pogue's

Melissa said...

Well, I say if you're going to have drama why not have a lot? Glad you all survived. I can't wait to hold him. He's a cutie!

Meg Barry said...

Hooray he is here! I am so glad and can't wait to hold him!

Laurie Huish said...

Congratulations Teresa and Eric! He is so beautiful-I also saw pics on Melissa's Blog

Hall Family said...

Congrats!!! It sure sounds like a "first baby" least in "my world". :) I'm sorry about Eric and Strep--Makaya got it last week with the high fever but her's she was throwing up all day...not fun. Anyway congrats!!! Love you!!!

Megan said...

Congratulation! I am very excited for you guys. I can not wait to see pictures. Welcome to motherhood.

Anonymous said...

Hey Congrats I remember the labor days myself...ugh i know exactly what you mean about relief