Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Taft is in the phase of growing up where he likes to mock/do everything "you" do. So, when Eric got a hair cut this morning, we gave Taft one, too. We are still trying to get him to sit still long enough to make it really even, so don't judge too much. He also want to shave this morning since Eric was. So, we threw him in the tub and lathered him up. Don't worry, though. This particular razor has and attached cover that slides down to expose the blade, and we kept the blade covered. Taft loved every second of it, and it was so funny to watch him.

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Hall Family said...

He's adorable!!! Love your header picture too!! Boys are a lot of fun!

Becky said...

Those pictures are so adorable! Is it weird that we've done the same thing with Aubrey? lol She is a monkey too.