Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Bacon Monster

This morning Taft had already eaten a waffle, some blueberries and had a little orange juice. When Eric sat down to eat his eggs, waffles, and bacon Taft snuck his way into his Daddy's lap and helped himself to some bacon. But he didn't stop with half a piece. When he was done he helped himself to a little more...and a little more until it was gone. Eric didn't really mind though, because it meant a little snuggle time with his little man. So, we made Eric a little more bacon, and guess who helped him eat that, too...none other than the bacon monster! Guess the little guy is just going through a spurt.


Anonymous said...

So cute! Adalie is a bacon eater too...stuffs her face with it when daddy cooks it for her

Kristina said...

what an good little eater.