Monday, April 20, 2009


Why is that people ask this question when they have to know that it makes you wonder if they really like it? SO, I have been noticing more and more grey in my hair over the last 1-2 years and it has been freaking me out since I am only 27 (26 at the time I noticed the first one). So, as I started to notice more and more, I was getting tired of pulling them out with my tweezers so I decided to something about it. I got an appointment at the salon and she worked her magic. She high-lighted my hair to help camoflauge (spelling?) the grey. So, a week and a half or so after I am finally getting used to it, I am asked the question...."Did you do something different to your hair?" "Yeah, I had it high-lighted.".....SILENCE...that's right! No response. Now the girl who asked me is one of the nicest people I am I to guess that either she got distracted or she just doesn't like it. What do you think? Is there any other explanation?


Hall Family said...

hahaha Oh how sad! I'd be wondering the same thing!!! And me too about the grey hairs...although, for me...much earlier than that! This week 2 days in a row found one each day! I'm pretty sure once you have a child, there's an automatic grey grow-in rate....(Hence when my first came) Back to your question: I'm sure hoping that the girl was distracted, because I'm sure your hair looks great! :) (but curious situation, nonetheless: because um...if you had gotten blonde highlights...that would be pretty obvious considering how dark your hair is...hmmm...very curious!)

Holli said...

One time, I spent a lot of money at a salon for high-lights only to come out with pink hair! Yes, hot pink hair... (The lady had accidentally mixed some red in with the blond and it made it pink.) Long story short, I had to wait several days before I cold fix it (or my hair would have fallen out) and I got a lot of those "did you do something to your hair --- silence" comments. Now, I doubt your hair is bad. But, if you're worried about it, post a picture and let people comment. They'll tell the truth. But, honestly, what REALLY matters is whether you like it or not. If you like it, don't worry about what anyone else says.

(PS - don't feel bad about the grays. Kyle's the same age and he's going gray, too.)

Becky said...

Did this chick get distracted with something else? Maybe she thinks it looks good but didn't say it. There's been many times that I thought Brian looked really good one day, but I just didn't say it because something else distracted me aka Aubrey. haha Anyway, I bet it looks great! I noticed my first grey hair at 23! I freaked out. I've noticed more and more now that I'm 25. I think kids bring it out. I may get highlights too, or just dye it the same color. Not sure what to do.

Jill said...

That's really weird! I can't imagine why the silence!? I think if I noticed someone's hair and didn't like it, I wouldn't say anything! lol If you want an honest opinion- you should post a picture. Do you like it?

Hartmans said...

well, I have already posted some pictures on my blog with my new do. Go to Taft's b-day party pictures and you can see my hair. It isn't anything significant I don't think as far as change goes. I will try and post some Easter pictures so that you can see it in better light.