Saturday, May 24, 2008

Oh what a night...

So last night was one of those "two steps forward and 3 steps back" kind of nights. We had a few good nights in a row and then last night was not so great! Truth be told, Taft isn't the problem...the feedings are not the is the stupid and obnoxious apnea monitor that goes off for no reason. Well, I guess it has a reason, but not for the right reason. It is LOUD and seems to go off right when we finally get the little guy still and peaceful. I hope for the monitor's sake that Taft only has to wear it for a few more weeks, because if not then I fear I will throw it across the room and break it. I haven't taken very many pics, but probably will have some excuses this weekend, but here is a picture of Eric and Taft that I snagged the other night. Eric sure loves this "baby boy" and enjoys a good snuggle.


Kim Simpson said...

A lady in our ward said her daughter had to come home with a monitor. She said everything from baby powder to baby lotion would set it off. She also said she didn't get much sleep with that thing around. We will cross our fingers he can get rid of it soon.

Alisa said...

Hang in there...I don't know what that is like, but it does not sound fun, and we will be praying for y'all that he gets rid of it soon!