Christmas 2009 was full of food, family and fun. We wish we could have seen everyone, but time and chance happeneth to us all. We feel so blessed to love to close to Taft's grandparents and some other family. Life is busy, and can often get busier the closer we get to the end of the year, but we are so thankful for the opportunity to reflect on the birth, mission, life, death and resurrection on our Savior. Through his gospel where we find our most joy, our most comfort and our Father in Heaven's most tender mercies. We hope you have/had a wonderful holiday season, whatever you may celebrate.
Taft is definitely working on the "terrible twos" a.k.a the experimental stage for me. I don't know if I am sold on the idea of terrible twos as much as I am the fact that kids this age are exploring and trying to push limits, to figure out what is appropriate. Here are a few candid shots of his fun. Helping himself to suckers, sharing suckers, getting into some icing and hiding because he was playing with a decoration he has been told not to play with.